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The Connection Challenge Part 4

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

Last night we started part 4, which is to connect with our community, and we started with a verse from Ephesians 3:10-11 about God's intent.

His(God's) intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God's intent is that the church(the body working together in unity) would make the manifold or multifaceted wisdom of God known. 

One of the ways this happens is through building a culture of unity and working together, and the key to culture is coming around the table, doing life together. When we work together we see the manifold wisdom of God show up, because we have access to other people's gifts, knowledge, experiences, and network and it becomes multi-faceted. 

But the key...

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The Best & Most Beautiful Land

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God, connecting spirit, soul, and body, and connecting for our loved ones. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with others and our community. 


Lately the phrase keeps coming to mind... The best and most beautiful.

 Jeremiah 3:19 says...

How gladly would I treat you like my children and give you a pleasant land, the most beautiful inheritance of any nation.’ I thought you would call me ‘Father’ and not turn away from following me.

In Ezekial chapter 20 it also says that God searched out the best and most beautiful land in the whole world for his people. God's heart is to give his children the best and most beautiful. 

Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God wants to give us the best and most beautiful. And we are asking for wisdom and...

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Becoming a Connector

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God, connecting spirit, soul, and body, and connecting for our loved ones. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with others and our community. 


I once heard a business coach say that the key to having full schedule or thriving business was to become a connector... or person who connects others to what they need. How can we become people who connect others with God, answers they need, or the right people? Becoming a connector means being present, listening, and developing understanding and then helping connect people to things that would be helpful for them. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us become amazing connectors for other people. 

Today's Health/Fitness Tip

Something I have been thinking about with the workouts is having a s...

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Connection Has 2 Sides

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God and on connecting spirit, soul, and body. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with our loved ones. 

As we seek to better connect with others there may be times when others don't reciprocate the connection, which can be frustrating because connection takes 2 sides working together. If others are connecting with you even though you are trying, watch out for frustration and magnifying the disconnect, because it can be easy to build this into something bigger in our mind. 

Something I feel like God has shown me about this is to focus on our connection with God and bringing our connection with God to others. This way we are focused on our connection with God and building a bridge to others, rather than magnifying when others don't connect with us. 

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Quick to Listen & Slow to Speak

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God and on connecting spirit, soul, and body. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with our loved ones and a big key to connection is becoming better listeners. As we listen intently to our loved ones it will help us understand them better, which helps us be a blessing to them even more. 

James 1:19 says, "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

In today's communion we are asking God for help to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry so that we better connect with others. 

Today's Health/Fitness Tip

As you go through your exercises any time there is a weight in your hand grip the weight tightly. The hands were made to secure things and holding ...

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Eating Meals Together

Uncategorized Aug 20, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God and on connecting spirit, soul, and body. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with our loved ones and one of the best ways to do this is by eating meals together. There is something about eating meals together that helps build connection. I think it goes back to the principle of communion, which is sharing a meal with God. But it is important that when we eat meals together, we are present, and actually connect. 

In today's communion we are asking God for help to eat meals consistently with our families and for his grace to multiply the connection we experience in those meals. 

Today's Health/Fitness Tip

A very simple thing that can make a big difference in our workouts is having a good workout partner. A good workout partner will help to bring...

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Take the Pressure Off

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2022

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Here is this week's Yearly Cycle Update.

The 40 Days of Teshuva are coming up soon starting on 8/27/22. Teshuva = turning or repenting. Teshuva is an amazing time of year for answered prayer and making adjustments. 

August is a time of increased heat and pressure. You may notice an increase in pressure in your life, especially in the area of time, where it seems like a lot of demands are coming at you. The pressure helps to remind us that in Christ, God has taken the pressure off of us. The increased pressure is a reminder to simplify and roll the pressure onto him. And we are supposed to be doing the same for other people. 

This week we are focused on connected with our families on a new level. An important concept I am learning for connection is... Pressure blocks connection.

As we focus on connecting with our families this week here is a great question to ask... Am I adding demands and pressure to my family members or taking pressure off of them?

The worl...

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Throwing Bids

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God and on connecting spirit, soul, and body. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with those closest to us by honoring their attempts to connect with us. When loved ones ask you to do something with them or start a conversation with you these are bids(opportunities to connect). Our goal this week is to catch at least 80% of all their bids. And we also want to become great at throwing bids. 

To throw bids means we are going to proactively look for opportunities to do good for our loved ones. How can we keep them from problems and give them the desires of their heart. Yesterday we said God always catches all of our bids. He also throws bids our way. He tries to connect with us and he looks ahead into our life to prevent problems and give us the desires...

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God Catches Our Bids

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God and on connecting spirit, soul, and body. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with those closest to us by honoring their attempts to connect with us. When loved ones ask you to do something with them or start a conversation with you these are bids(opportunities to connect). Our goal this week is to catch at least 80% of all their bids and throw some bids their way. 

As we improve at catching bids it helps us become more like God, because he always catches our bids. Imagine going to God and him ignoring you or telling you to come back later because he's busy...He doesn't do this to us. God is also not scrolling on his phone pretending to listen as we talk to him. He is ever present. 

Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God always catche...

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The Connection Challenge Part 3 - Connecting with Loved Ones

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

Last night we started part 3 of the Connection Challenge which is to connect with our loved ones. 

Here are a few ways for us to better connect with our loved ones. 

  1. Share meals together
  2. Spend a few minutes before bed imagining their day and looking for ways to be a blessing.
  3. Catch 80% of all bids they throw your way. Bids are their attempts to connect with you such as asking you to do something with them or starting a conversation with you. When they attempt to connect, and we don't catch the bid it is dishonoring and discouraging. 
  4. Throw bids their way in a style that they like. What makes them feel cherished... Quality time, acts of service, physical touch, etc? How can you connect with them in the way they prefer? 

A couple of key things to remember about connection is to be more present and to use a gentle approach. Often, we try to force...

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