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7 Dates With Jesus Tomorrow

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2020

Tomorrow we will start the series on 7 Dates With Jesus: Crossing Over Into Abundant Life with an introduction into the 7 Feasts of Israel and to understanding God's timing.

Many people will point out that the feasts are in the Old Testament and that they don't pertain to us any more, but here is why they are important.

  • Each feast gives you insights into what Jesus has done for you.
  • Each feast is an opportunity for remembrance of Jesus. Think of the way we use Christmas and Easter as times of remembrance.
  • The feasts teach you much about God's timing and the order he does things. 

Each day I will be posting the training at and I will also be emailing you the video and audio each day.

If you have friends or family members who would like to get the emails you can send them this link. 


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Live 7 Dates With Jesus

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2020

Every Spring I do a live seminar on my book 7 Dates With Jesus.

7 Dates With Jesus is based on the 7 Feasts of Israel and teaches God's timing and calendar. Each feast also teaches an angle of what Jesus has done for you. When you put them all together it is a very powerful way to accelerate spiritual growth. Several people have told me they have grown more in 1 year from this than their previous 20-30 years of being a Christian. 

With all that is going on in the world it's important to understand God's timing and calendar. This year I will be teaching the seminar online for free and I am going to teach several of the lessons on the actual feast days. For example, Passover is coming up on Wednesday night, and we will do the Passover training that day. 

Here is the schedule...

  • Tuesday April 1: An intro to the feasts
  • Wednesday April 8th: Passover
  • Thursday April 9th: Unleavened Bread
  • Friday April 10th: First Fruits
  • Saturday April 11th: Pentecost
  • Sunday April 12th: Trumpets
  • ...
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Uncategorized Apr 04, 2020

Right now we are in a time where it is important to have strong faith. 

Faith makes you grateful, adaptable, positive, and eliminates fear because you are not relying on yourself, but on God. 

But, not everyone has strong faith, and it is important that you don't let the exercising of your faith become a stumbling block for others. 

You can have faith to move mountains but if you have not love then it accounts for nothing. 

If someone has weak faith or no faith the exercising of strong faith could cause issues in their conscience and make them stumble.

For example, you may have no fear of sickness but someone around you does. In these cases, the loving thing would be to do nothing that would increase their fear. If washing your hands another time or wearing a mask decreases their fear then do it out of love. 

P.S. Faith comes by hearing. Pay attention to what you are hearing in this season. It is either causing fear or faith.  If you want something...

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Uncategorized Apr 04, 2020

The imagination is the table turner of the soul. It is the one thing that matters for your mind and emotions. It is very important to keep a close eye on your imagination. 

When images pop up in your mind that generate fear, stress, anxiety, discouragement, etc you must learn to cast them down immediately and redirect your focus back to God with the belief that he is for you and nothing is impossible with him.

This is a skill. It takes the understanding that God has given you control of your imagination. You have the ability to reprogram it. Then it takes awareness throughout the day. Anytime an image pops up that shouldn't be there cast it down. The longer you let an image spin in your mind the stronger it becomes and the more emotions it generates. 

The imagination is very powerful for good or evil. The imagination is where the seed of truth or lies grow. 

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April Letter

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2020

Recently I was praying and heard the phrase “ a tsunami of blessing is coming.” Throughout the day I kept hearing this on the inside so I wrote it in my journal that night and even drew a picture of a surfer trying to catch a huge wave. The next morning when I turned on my computer there was a picture on the screen of a huge wave with a surfer trying to catch the wave. My oldest daughter had been playing a game on the computer the night before and had left the game up on the screen. Then about a day later, I felt prompted to finish listening to a sermon that I hadn’t finished several weeks before. When I clicked on the video it resumed where I had left off and the first thing out of the pastors mouth was about a tsunami of blessing. 

As I am writing this right now the world is in a state of chaos because of the coronavirus. The world has basically shut down because of the pandemic so it does not look like a tsunami of blessing is coming. But, it is important...

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Fresh Start

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2020

Here are some things to be thinking about every time a new month starts. 

  1. When was the last time you did something really fun?
  2. Reconcile your finances and forecast the next month of finances
  3. Evaluate the areas of your life - are there any areas that are going the wrong direction? If so what adjustments can be made

The other big thing I do is fill out a new Monthly Rhythm Tracker, which is a 1 page tool that contains the following...
Click Here to Download the Monthly Rhythm Tracker

Criteria for Success on Projects - On your purpose what needs to happen this month?

Desires of Your Heart - What other goals would you like to see happen this month?

To-do list - What administrative things need to happen this month?

Monthly and Weekly Checklists - What needs to happen every month/week?

Weekly Criteria for Success - What needs to happen this week

Daily Habits - Seek God on what new habits he wants you to install into your life.

To fill out the form begin...

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Uncategorized Mar 31, 2020

Passover is coming up on Wed April 8th. This is a time of year to increase your gratitude. 

Colossians 1:12-13 says "giving thanks to the father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints of the light. He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his dear son."

Passover is a reminder that God has already done this for you. He has seated us with him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6)

How can we already be seated in Heaven with Christ even though we are here on earth? Quantum science has now proven that it is possible for a particle to be in two places at one time, it is called Quantum Superposition, but you only see the one you are looking for. If you are looking for a heavenly perspective you will see it. If you are looking for the domain of darkness you will see it. 

This is a time of year to focus on seeing everything from a heavenly perspective and increasing your gratitude that God has already...

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Spring = New

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2020

On God's calendar we have about 2 more weeks of cleaning out to make room for the new. 

Spring is a reminder that God makes all things new. 

It is a time when everything is green and growing. 

It is also the time to plant seeds. 

During this time of the year it is important to be seeking God on the new things he wants to do in your life this year. 

It could be a new way of doing things, a new skill you develop, or something completely new. 

As you press into God and find those answers begin to sow/invest into them. 

Once we get to Easter weekend be prepared for rapid growth and a 50 day sprint to the day of Pentecost. 

P.S. Recently I made the Abundant Life Blueprint free. God's calendar is a big part of the program.

Click Here for the Abundant Life Blueprint



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2 Keys for Progress

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2020

Jesus said that the path that leads to life is narrow, which means it is like a balance beam. 

Through the years of working with clients there are two big reason why people struggle to make progress. 

The first is never getting started. It is easy to procrastinate even when we know a change needs to be made. There will never be the perfect time to get started so just get started anyway and take the first step. Start small and use a gentle approach but commit to being consistent. 

The second key to progress is rhythm. Once people get started the biggest reason they struggle is getting knocked out of rhythm. Whenever you try to make a change for the good life will always test you by attempting to knock you out of rhythm. 

This is where you can use God's rhythm as a tool to keep you moving forward. The temple of the Old Testament had a rhythm of morning, evening, weekly, monthly, and the yearly cycle of feasts. You are the temple now and rhythm is one of your...

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God In You

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2020

Lately I have been pondering scriptures on the power of God being in us. 

In the Old Testament if you touched a leper you were unclean, but in the New Testament Jesus and the disciples touched lepers and the lepers became clean. The tables were turned. 

In Acts 19:11 it says God did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.

Romans 8:11 the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and will bring life to your mortal body. 

Colossians 1:27 Christ (the anointed one) is in you the hope of glory

In Exodus 30 anything that touched the anointed things of the temple became holy and clean.

1 John 2:27 the anointing you received from him remains in you. 

 John 5:30 Jesus says that he can do nothing in his own self. 

John 14:10 Jesus says it is the father in him who does the work and whoever...

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