We are in a time of year where God often starts shifting things around in order to reposition us into a higher level of what he has called us to do.
If major shifts and changes start happening, stay at peace, because it is more than likely God causing the changes. Every year as time moves forward, things must be repositioned, because space and time are one thing. As times change the way things are positioned must also change. One of the reasons why God built time and change into the world is that he loves us too much to let us stay the way we are. We have room to grow, and he wants to help bring the best out of us.
This is why I feel it is so important to develop a Miracle Year Plan with God each year. A Miracle Year Plan is developed by taking the time to connect with God and get clear on what his top priority is for your life over the next year. When done correctly much of the early part of the year is spent preparing and moving in that direction so that when the Fall/Winter a...
We are in a time of year where we often see breakthroughs and God setting us free in many ways. This is also a time of year where transitions start, as God opens doors to the next level. God transitions things slowly but as he opens doors he will give us the choice, free will, as to whether we will go through the door.
Most of the time the door to the next level will look scary, because it will test us at a higher level, and cause us to question if we have the capability, but God wants us to look at those doors with the knowledge that we don't have to make it happen in our own strength. The next level requires learning to trust, rest, and rely on him at a higher level.
Finances Week 2
In the Abundant Life Blueprint this is week 2 of our training on finances. This week we are discussing the following...
The Financial Standard: Seeking God First and Being Good Stewards. God has promised that if we seek him and make him our source he will take care of us. This is a switch to putti...
Yearly Cycle Updates (Click Here for the Video Updates)
Last week we finished the Feast of Tabernacles. Now we are in a transitional time of year. During this time God will often bring breakthroughs and he will spark a desire for something more in your life.
Over the next month be prepared for major transitions. If things in your life start shifting be of good cheer because it is God repositioning things for your good. But, it can often look scary because it will require faith and work to go through the doors he opens.
The Financial Blueprint
Over the next 3-4 weeks in the Abundant Life Blueprint we will be discussing the Financial Blueprint. To get us started here are the 4 keys that unlock finances in our lives.
Yearly Cycle Updates
Today is the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Tomorrow is a special day on God's calendar called the last great day. The last great day is the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles. It was the day that the yearly cycle started anew.
Tomorrow is a reminder that God wants to make our lives new, and he wants to make us great. Jesus talked a lot about what it means to be great in the kingdom. Here are 4 keys to greatness.
What's New - 2 New Books
The new book The 8th Date: God's Operating System for Abundant Life is ready, which is fitting because tomorrow is the 8th Day.
Yearly Cycle Updates
Wrapping Up the 8th Date
The new book the 8th Date should be available very soon. This week inside the Abundant Life Blueprint we are finishing up the training from the book by going over practical steps to see God's power flowing every day in our lives. Here are the steps.
Yearly Cycle Updates
We are in an exciting time of the year. Down below are the details for the upcoming Day of Atonement.
Click Here for the Day of Atonement Training from 7 Dates With Jesus
Day of Atonement( Yom Kippur) Starts the evening of Monday, Sept 27 and goes to 6pm on Sept 28
Feast of Tabernacles From the evening of Fri, Oct 2nd - Fri Oct 9.
Challenge for the 10 Days
Inside of the Abundant Life Bl...
We are in an exciting time of the year. Down below are the details for the upcoming Yearly Cycle along with some resources to guide you through the next 10 days. Let me know if you have any questions.
Click Here for the Daniel Fast Guide + Recipes
Click Here for a Video on the Feast of Trumpets from 7 Dates With Jesus
Tonight, Sept 18th is The Feast of Trumpets
The 10 Days of Awe (Tomorrow)Saturday Sept 19-28
Day of Atonement( Yom Kippur) Starts the evening of Se...
Next Friday Sept 18th is the Feast of Trumpets.
Trumpets is a reminder to wake up, take action, and apply our faith.
Here is what I will be doing starting Sept 18th.
On the evening of the 18th I will have apples with honey after dinner to symbolize it being a sweet new year( Trumpets is like new years eve in the Jewish culture). The next 10 days start what is called the 10 days of awe. This is a time to take action and get everything in order. Here are some things I do during the 10 days.
By the 10th day these steps always produce some of the highest levels of clarity that I have ever experienced. Also, during these ...
40 Days of Teshuva
We are currently in the 40 Days of Teshuva. This is a time of repentance and taking action. To repent means to turn. If you will begin to make adjustments this is a time when things will often turn. Take action on anything in your conscience, work on crossing items off your mental to-do list, and reconcile all relationships, including financial relationships. If there are any bills you need to get current on then take steps in the right direction.
Here is my challenge for you this week...
Anytime you feel your mind/emotions drifting to something other than peace and joy work to immediately get it back by increasing your presence and awareness that God is with you. When thoughts of fear, stress, worry, discouragement, etc come turn the tables and get back to a state of peace, joy, and presence as quickly as possible.
One of the best ways to do this is by taking communion regularly.
Upcoming on God's Calendar
Fri 9/18 - Feast of Trumpets
The evening of Sept, 18...
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