Here is June's message and the video for this month contains the new format with some action steps to take for the month.Â
I view every month like an opportunity for a fresh start.Â
Here is a short summary of what we go through in the video...
Here are the different filters to choose from...
Abundant Life - God is doing continually good for me and I do continually good for others.Â
Soul - I am growing in positive emotions and using negative emotions as feedback
Body - My body is God’s temple.
Finances - I am seeking God’s kingdom first by valuing relationships over money and being a good steward.
... Lately the word "Earnest," keeps jumping out to me in my Bible reading. To be earnest means to be serious about something. Over the last year I have done a lot of real estate work and in almost every real estate deal there is what is referred to as an "Earnest Money Deposit," which is sometimes called a good faith deposit. In real estate deals some people say that until the earnest money put down, there is no deal.Â
When it comes to earnest deposits in real estate some people put down very small deposits, but I have also seen people put down huge deposits, even the whole purchase price. The big deposits show the buyers seriousness about the purchase.Â
Ephesians 1:13-14 says...
And in Him, having heard and believed the word of truth—the gospel of your salvation—you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the pledge(earnest) of our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession, to the praise of His glory.
God has given us the Ho...
Several years ago I had a wisdom tooth that kept having issues. Eventually the tooth was removed but after the tooth was removed I kept having issues like the tooth was still there. So I began to seek God about this and he gave me something to do. I felt like he told me to, " Tell the phantom symptoms to leave."Â
So I said... "Phantom symptoms leave in Jesus name," and immediately the symptoms left.Â
Recently God reminded me of this concept of phantom symptoms. The other day we were outside playing with the kids, but I was having some allergies...sneezing and a lot of snot! I used to have real bad allergies, but usually they aren't too bad anymore. But, we have huge pine trees near our back yard and they were putting out so much pollen that our blacktop driveway was yellow a few days ago. After suffering with the allergies for a while I felt like God told me to...Tell the phantom symptoms to leave.Â
So I told them to leave and immediately the symptoms left again...
In our walk with God I think one of the most important skills we can develop is the ability to make quick course corrections, if we are ever getting off track. Everyday life throws stuff at us to try to knock us off of God's path, but the good news is that if we ever get off track through God's grace we can get right back on track quickly again. And I have learned that when we get off track but turn around, it only accelerates us and helps us know God's grace that much more.Â
Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God is patient with us and helps us navigate through life. We are asking for his help to become skilled at recognizing if we are ever off track and to help us get back on track quickly.
Today's Health/Fitness Tip
Tracking our progress over time is one of the best way to stay on track. Are you keeping a record of your workouts and progress?
I am praying for you.
The hem of the garment seems to be an important theme that runs through the Bible.
In 1 Samuel 15:27 Saul tears the hem of Samuel's garment and Samuel tells his it means that God is going to tear the kingdom away from him.
In 1 Samuel 24:5 David is conscience stricken because of cutting off the hem of Saul's garment. Â
In the gospels the woman with the issue of blood says, "If I can just get to Jesus and touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed." She breaks through the crowd, even though she wasn't supposed to be there and gets healed by touching the hem of his garment.Â
In today's communion we are asking for wisdom and understanding into the significance of the hem of His garment, what it means for us, and how we practically apply this today. Â
Today's Health/Fitness Tip
I like to start the weight lifting section of my workouts with snatches, which are a speed exercise. This helps to activate and wake up the body for the other lifts that are to come. I...
God is always working...
In John 5:17 Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”
And Psalm 121:4 says that God neither slumbers nor sleeps.
Jesus was also working, but it wasn't him working. It was the Father in him doing the work.(John 14:10)
The same Father now lives in us and he is always working.
Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God neither slumbers nor sleeps and he is always working. And we are asking for wisdom and understanding to help us walk in this in our lives, so that we experience him doing the work through us.Â
Today's Health/Fitness Tip
One of the best ways I know of to practice God doing the work is in our physical exercise. Physical exercise is an opportunity to practice allowing God to do the work rather than us doing the work. How do we do this? I think it starts with humility. Take a humble approach by doing less than you think you should be doing, then focus on God's presence wi...
Here is this week's Yearly Cycle Update.
Yesterday was Ascension Day, which was the day Jesus ascending back up into Heaven. He spent 40 days with the disciples after he was raised from the dead. During the 10 days from Ascension Day until Pentecost (June 5-6) here is what he told his disciples to do...
Luke 24:49 -"I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
Acts 1:4-5 - “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”…
This time of year is a reminder for us to wait for God's timing and the gift he promised.Â
Here is this week's filter(reminder) to write at the top of our journals each day... Wait for God or Wait for the Gift God Promised
I am praying for you.Â
P.S. The Yearly Cycle Calendar for 2022 is down below.
Something I feel God keeps bringing to mind lately is the topic of immersion. To truly walk in what God has for us requires immersing ourselves in his way of doing things. In anything we want to grow in, we usually start small by testing things out. But eventually to really accelerate our growth we must move to total immersion. Jesus said that if we would abide in him our lives would produce much fruit. To abide, means to be totally immersed.Â
In today's communion we are asking God for wisdom and understanding of the concept of immersion. And we are asking him to help us immerse ourselves in his way of doing things the way he intended.Â
Today's Health/Fitness Tip
In our Daily Communion Workouts we start pretty small with just one set of each exercise. The concept of immersion also applies to our workouts. To really accelerate our progress we will eventually need to immerse ourselves in fitness, where it is a part of our life.Â
I am praying for you.
...The other day I was talking with my daughter about the important of TODAY. About how this is the day that the Lord has made and we are to rejoice and be glad in it. I believe God has an amazing plan for TODAY, and he has all kinds of hidden opportunities in each day. But, unfortunately the day God has for us can be stolen away when we start focusing on the wrong things. Every day has both traps and opportunities.
Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God has a beautiful plan for today with all kinds of amazing opportunities. And we are asking for his help to understand the value of TODAY and to walk in his plan for us each day.Â
Today's Health/Fitness Tip
One of the easiest ways to increase health is to have a song in our heart continually. This is part of rejoicing and being glad in today. Having a song in our heart creates a shift in the culture of our bodies. Â
I am praying for you.
Recently I had a tree in my front yard with branches that were hanging down really low, making it hard to walk underneath. I felt like God kept nudging me to go out and prune the tree, so I went out and started pruning. I got started by cutting off some of the smaller branches and noticed that immediately the bigger branches began to lift up when the excess weight was cut off. And I was reminded of a Partners Training we did called Lifted Up By the Spirit.(this training was done almost exactly one year ago. This seems to be something God wants us to understand during this season)
On that call we discussed John 15:1-2 where Jesus says, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."Â
The Greek word for prune can also be translated as lift up. On the training one of our partners told a story of pruning and lifting up at t...
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