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A Wise Master Builder

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2024

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Good morning!

Here is today's communion meditation.

This month our message is, "Metabolic Reset."

Metabolism involves breaking something down in order to convert it into something useful. And if you study metabolism, it also involves building up.  

Yesterday we looked at Proverbs 24 which says that wise people are builders.

1 Corinthians 3:10 says, "By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise master builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care."

By grace we can be wise master builders.

In today's communion we are asking God to help us be wise master builders.

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

To be a wise master builder of our bodies we need to train with design and purpose rather than just going through the motions of a workout. 

I am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and nothing is impossible for him. 

P.P.S  If your finances feel stuck or under pressure try...

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Wise People are Builders

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2024

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Good morning!

Here is today's communion meditation.

 This month our message is, "Metabolic Reset."

Metabolism involves breaking something down in order to convert it into something useful. And if you study metabolism, it also involves building up.  

Once something is broken down the building blocks can be used to build the body.

Proverbs 24:3 in the Passion Translation says, " Wise people are builders — they build families, businesses, communities. And through intelligence and insight their enterprises are established and endure."

In today's communion we are asking God to help us be wise builders the way he desires. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Many people try to destroy their body while working out, but the goal is to build the body. 

I am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and nothing is impossible for him. 

P.P.S  If your finances feel stuck or under pressure try Unlocking the Flow of Finances with a Memo...

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April Message - Metabolic Reset

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2024

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Good morning!

Today's communion meditation is for the month of April.

This year our message/theme for the year is, "The Great Reset."

And our message for April is "Metabolic Reset"

 All throughout scripture a phrase is repeated... "If we would see with our eyes, hear with our ears, understand with our hearts, and turn then all of the good things we are looking for are on the other side of this process. 

The word for turn can also be translated as convert. 

Metabolism is really just a turning, conversion, or transformation of something into a usable form. 

We metabolize spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us reset the way we metabolize in every area of our lives.

am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and nothing is impossible for him. 


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A Fresh Start

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2024

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Hey everyone! 

Here is this week's Yearly Cycle update communion meditation.

The Spring is a reminder of a fresh start. During this time of the year when everything is coming back to life it all points to the resurrection of Jesus. 

It's a time to remember that we've been given a fresh start in Christ. 

As we celebrate Easter let's take some time to give thanks that we've been given a fresh start. 

I am praying for you. 


P.P.S If your finances feel stuck or under pressure try Unlocking the Flow of Finances with a Memorial Portion

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A Time to Remember

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2024

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Good morning!

Here is today's communion meditation.

All throughout scripture God says to remember and not forget him. 

As we approach Easter this is a powerful time of remembrance of all that Jesus did for us. 

I always find it interesting that after Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves the disciples got into the boat and started fighting with one another about not having enough bread. Jesus was astonished at how quickly they forget what had just happened. 

In life it can be easy to forget that we have God with us. 

Today's communion is a time of remembrance for the sacrifice of Jesus. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

It's also easy to forget that God is with you while doing workouts. Keep remembering that he is there with you, and wants to help. 

I am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and nothing is impossible for him. 

P.P.S  If your finances feel stuck or under pressure try Unlocking the Flow of Finances wit...

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Rise Again

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2024

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Good morning!

Here is today's communion meditation.

Our message for March is, "Resetting Our Understanding," and about how the Holy Spirit helps us understand all that God has given us in Christ.  

 As we get close to Easter, I've been thinking about how Jesus rose again.

Proverbs 24:16 says, " For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes."

We've been given the righteousness of Jesus and the same resurrection power that raised him from the dead. 

Sometimes in life we fall, we slip up, but we have been given the power to rise back up. 

Today's communion is a time of gratitude for the righteousness of Jesus and the power to rise again. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Sometimes life has a way of knowing us out of rhythm with our health and fitness. In those times how quickly to we adjust and get back on track?

I am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and n...

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God's Consistency

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2024

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Good morning!

Here is today's communion meditation.

Our message for March is, "Resetting Our Understanding," and about how the Holy Spirit helps us understand all that God has given us in Christ.  

Something we've been given in Christ is that He is our rock... He is consistent and we can always count on him. 

Hebrews 13:8 says, " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Today's communion is a time of gratitude that Jesus is consistent, and we are asking the Holy Spirit to help us understand his consistency and to rely on him as our rock. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Consistency is one of the biggest keys to success in our workouts and nutrition. Let's examine ourselves to see how consistent we've been. 

I am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and nothing is impossible for him. 

P.P.S  If your finances feel stuck or under pressure try Unlocking the Flow of Finances with a Memorial Portion

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God's Faithfulness

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2024

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Good morning!

Here is today's communion meditation.

Our message for March is, "Resetting Our Understanding," and about how the Holy Spirit helps us understand all that God has given us in Christ.  

In Christ we've been given access to God's presence and part of him being with us is that he is faithful.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 says, " But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one."

And Proverbs 3:3-4 says, "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."

Today's communion is a time of gratitude for the faithfulness of God. And we are asking the Holy Spirit to understand God's faithfulness to us in the New Covenant. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

We are supposed to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. I think it's good to examine how faithful we've been to our workouts. 

I am pr...

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Unlimited Patience

Uncategorized Mar 25, 2024

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Good morning!

Here is today's communion meditation.

Our message for March is, "Resetting Our Understanding," and about how the Holy Spirit helps us understand all that God has given us in Christ.  

1 Timothy 1:16 says, " But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life."

In his grace, God gives us his unlimited patience, and he wants to display that patience through us as we are patient with ourselves and others. 

Today's communion is a time of gratitude for the unlimited patience God has given us. And we are asking the Holy Spirit to help us understand this unlimited patience and for it to flow through you us. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Stay patient with your results. Too many people get off track because of a lack of patience, and it causes them to bounce around from one fad to the next. 

I am pr...

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Purim the Turning Point

Uncategorized Mar 23, 2024

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Hey everyone! 

Here is this week's Yearly Cycle update communion meditation.

Today is the Feast of Purim. I think of Purim as the turning point of the year, and a reminder of how quickly God can turn things around.  

Purim comes from the book of Esther, when a law was written that would wipe out the Jewish people. In those days, once a law was written it could not be undone. After a time of fasting Queen Esther petitioned the king to write a new law that would override the previous law. An interesting part of this story is that the king told Esther to write whatever she wanted. Jesus told us something very similar in John 15:7 when he said that if we abide in him, we can ask for whatever we want. 

The new law turned the tables and gave the Jewish people the upper hand and mastery over their enemies. 

Purim is the table-turner day. When the tables are turned it doesn't mean everything changes in that moment, but the trajectory of the situation changes. 


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