Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first two videos are now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
Sign up here for access to the course
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Today is Fellowship Friday - The Love Accelerator
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
1 John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
To walk in the light is also to walk in love, and the indicator is that we have fellowship with one another.
The shortcut to walking in the light is gratitude.
If there are any strained ...
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first two videos are now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Thoughtful Thursday ( The Purpose & Community Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Today do something thoughtful for someone else. Connect them with something they need or do something to make their day.
This is the purpose and community accelerator.
We each have a unique gifting that is meant to serve the community of people around us, and one of the ways to do this is by looking for opportunities to help people w...
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first two videos are now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Work in the Flow Wednesday ( The Health & Time Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Wednesday is a reminder to work in flow with the Holy Spirit... Our indicators are peace and joy.
Health is a frequency, and working with peace and joy changes the internal environment.
Think about how much time we waste worrying, complaining, feeling down, venting, etc.
What could we accomplish if we reinvested that time into productive work with God.
Focus on the emotio...
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first two videos are now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Transformation Tuesday (The Family & Order Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Tuesday is a reminder that the way to get to the next level in anything is to make the most of your current level.
Make it a goal to transform every environment you go into...
We can transform our spiritual environment by beholding the glory of God.
We can transform our inner world by renewing our mind to God's love and truth.
We can transform our home, workplace, etc by creati...
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first two videos are now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Memorial Monday - The Financial Accelerator. (You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Mondays are a reminder that a Memorial Portion, just one very small step of faith, can help you remember that God is with you and He's more than enough. One small step of faith can open up a supernatural flow of whatever you need.
When Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves, it started with just a little bit of bread and fish.
When the widow woman was down to her last meal Elijah had her mak...
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
Tomorrow a new video will be released in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
And there will be new videos each Sunday for 2-4 more weeks after that.
Video #1 is already available and is about getting to know Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your healer and creating the environment in your body that leads to health.
Video #2 will be about creating the environment in our soul (the conscience, mind, imagination, and emotions) that leads to God's healing power flowing. Many people go to nutrition and fitness to be healthy, but the spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of health are much more important. Nutrition and fitness are like the tip of the iceberg, and there is so much more underneath.
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Speak Life Saturday (The Faith Accelerator)
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first video is now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
And there will be another video released this Sunday.
Video #1 is about getting to know Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your healer and creating the environment in your body that leads to health.
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Fellowship Friday - The Love Accelerator
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
1 John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
To walk in the light is also to walk in love, and the indicator is that we have fellowship with one another.
The shortcut to walking in the light is gratitude.
If there are any strained relationships, how could you take steps towar...
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first video is now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
And there will be another video released this Sunday.
Video #1 is about getting to know Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your healer and creating the environment in your body that leads to health.
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Thoughtful Thursday ( The Purpose & Community Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Today do something thoughtful for someone else. Connect them with something they need or do something to make their day.
This is the purpose and community accelerator.
We each have a unique gifting that is meant to serve the community of people around us, and one of the ways to do this is by looking for opportunities to help people with your gifts, talents, resources, network, e...
Good morning!
I hope you are doing well!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first video is now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
And there will be another video released this Sunday.
Video #1 is about getting to know Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your healer and creating the environment in your body that leads to health.
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Work in the Flow Wednesday ( The Health & Time Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Wednesday is a reminder to work in flow with the Holy Spirit... Our indicators are peace and joy.
Health is a frequency, and working with peace and joy changes the internal environment.
Think about how much time we waste worrying, complaining, feeling down, venting, etc.
What could we accomplish if we reinvested that time into productive work with God.
Focus on the emotional s...
Good morning!
New Course Announcement: The Lord Who Heals You
The first video is now available in the new course, "The Lord Who Heals You."
And there will be another video released this Sunday.
Video #1 is about getting to know Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your healer and creating the environment in your body that leads to health.
Sign up here for access to the course
If you have already signed up for the course, You can login here.
Today is Transformation Tuesday (The Family & Order Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Tuesday is a reminder that the way to get to the next level in anything is to make the most of your current level.
Make it a goal to transform every environment you go into...
We can transform our spiritual environment by beholding the glory of God.
We can transform our inner world by renewing our mind to God's love and truth.
We can transform our home, workplace, etc by creating more order and bringing pea...
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